Karan - Grade- 5, Age-12, Govt. Primary School, Vajidpur, Noida

Karan is a fifth-grade student. His father works in a hotel as a cook and his mother is a cook for JP. Karan has three brothers, two of whom are employed. He has a younger brother and a sister in fourth grade. Their living conditions are normal. Karan is a good student who gets along with everyone and pays attention to everyone. In the future, Karan hopes to work as a police inspector.
We observed that Karan struggled a lot with a few topics, so we tried explaining through a video before moving on to an activity. In Hindi, there were issues with certain concepts like Vachan, sentence construction, and synonyms, and in English, there were challenges with concepts like gender and articles. First, we used Gyantantra to teach Karan how to construct words and sentences because he was having trouble with the topics of numbers, synonyms, and creating sentences in Hindi. Each topic was followed by an assignment that assesses the progress and level of understanding of a concept. Karan is ecstatic to attend class. He comes to class every day and studies diligently and with great interest.
Karan can now study without any problems. He shows up for class each day and works hard to understand every concept. He doesn't commit any bad deeds. Additionally, he performs well in his studies. Following his attendance at GyanTantra's class, Karan is overjoyed.
Parents Feedback- “It was at the school where I first learned about GyanTantra and how it educates children through computers. When I occasionally visited the school to meet the teacher, I saw my child studying in GyanTantra. He now studies diligently at home as well, and he informs us each day of the subject he covered using the computer program GyanTantra. He has undergone many changes, and now he takes great care to keep himself clean and remembers to wash his hands before meals. Furthermore, he warns against smoking, even if someone else does it, he complains because it leads to deadly illnesses like cancer. I questioned the source of this information, and he responded that GyanTantra also teaches all of this.”
Karan’s Statement- “It was fantastic, and I want to learn more in this class. I enjoy using the system and participating in activities. It's like gaming but for learning. We seldom had issues as Madam used to explain everything very clearly. The biggest problem we encountered was the power outage. The formation of sentences, and addition and subtraction of fractions, nouns, and other concepts were among the many new things I learned. Additionally, I loved it when I received stationery kits with notebooks, pencils, sketching colors, erasers etc.”

Kulsum - Grade- 3, Age- 9, Govt. Primary School, Sultanpur, Noida

Kulsum is a third-grade student at Sultanpur Primary School. Her father, Javed is a barber and has a salon, and her mother stays at home. Kulsum has three sisters and two brothers. Because he had no means of support in the village, Kulsoom's father had long since moved to Noida. Kulsum is a nine-year-old girl who is very calm and composed. Due to Kulsum's severe academic shortcomings, her teacher suggested that she enrol in GyanTantra. After pre-evaluation, we determined that Kulsum needed more focus, given her age, because she performed inadequately in all three subjects.
Pre-assessment revealed that she needed to learn Hindi Matras and the capital and small letters of the English alphabet. She struggled with reading in English and Hindi than in other subjects. Kulsoom was taught how to correctly identify and write the Matras as well as to memorise Barakhadi in Hindi. She was then taught the alphabet and two-letter words in English. Beginning with the very first lesson, we began teaching Kulsum all the subjects. Kulsum now understands the difficult math topics that she didn't know before. She studies other subjects very carefully and tries to learn it as soon as possible in addition to mathematics.
Kulsum's mind was less focused on studies before, but our project GyanTantra has piqued her interest. She now comes to class on time every day to study, does her daily assignments well, and studies very attentively.
All the tests were examined, and the topics for which Kulsum had provided incorrect or incomplete responses were found; those questions or topics were taught to Kulsum again via GyanTantra videos and live examples. Once she understood the topic, we gave her a variety of assignments and problems to solve. Activities were conducted on some subjects so they would be simple to comprehend.
Parents Feedback- “I learned about the Gyan Tantra from Kulsum. I was delighted to see my child using a computer to study via GyanTantra. She saw her studying with lot of concentration and when I occasionally visited her school at the head teacher's call. After attending GyanTantra, she improved significantly in her academic performance, and she now studies diligently at home. She has undergone many changes, and now she values cleanliness greatly.”
Kulsum’s Statement- “I enjoy watching content videos on it. We faced a few issues, but Madam provided very clear explanations. Nouns, adjectives, and the formation of words, sentences, etc. in English, as well as multiplication and division in math, are just a few of the things I learned that I didn't know before. I also received things like copies, pencils, sketch colors, erasers, and most of all Certificate of completion.”

Karishma - Grade- 5, Age-11, Govt. Primary School, Chhalera, Noida

Karishma is a fifth-grade student at GPS Chhalera, her father works in a mall, and her mother stays at home. Karishma is the youngest of three siblings. Karishma is an 11-year-old girl who is very calm. Karishma is from Uttarakhand and enjoys travelling. Karishma's mind isn't particularly interested in academics. Karishma's mind is very sharp, but she was more interested in playing and wandering, and she enjoys observing new things. Karishma has four siblings, and her father is the only earning member of the family. Her living conditions are poor, and her family members are unable to pay for her tuition.
Karishma now understands the difficult math topics that she didn't know before. She studies other subjects very carefully and tries to learn it as soon as possible in addition to mathematics. Karishma's mind appears to be more focused on studies after enrolling in GyanTantra. Karishma was having a lot of trouble understanding the gender topic in her English class. We taught her the concept in GyanTantra class and gave her activities related to it, because of which she understood the gender topic very well. Karishma's mind was less focused on studies before, but our project GyanTantra has piqued her interest. She now comes to class on time every day to study, does her daily assignments well, and studies very attentively.
When the teacher met Karishma's father in PTM, we asked him about his child and what had changed in him since enrolling in our project GyanTantra. He shared that he was very happy to see the changes in Karishma because she used to spend most of her time roaming and playing but now, she devotes more time to studies, which made him very happy. The teacher of Karishma's class reported that since her admission, Karishma has been doing well in class. Karishma is now more attentive than before when she attends class.

Ridhi Das: Shows drastic improvement in overall performance

Ridhi was born in a low-income family and suffered from trauma after her mother died when she was only four years old. She was also made to do a lot of household chores at an early age, due to which she was irregular in school. Ridhi spoke very little and did not even mingle with the others in her class. Her parents migrated from Bihar and her family of six has a monthly earning of only Rs 13,000.
When she was in Class 2, Gyantantra Udbhav project was introduced to her, and in her first test she scored 24 out of 100. Thereafter, her weak areas were worked on and after close observation she secured 73 % in her mid-term exam. Daily activities and practice not only improved her academic performance but also had an impact on her overall behaviour. She is now able to switch on a computer on her own and select her favourite topics. She has even made some friends in class and is able to clear her doubts with the teachers.
Diya Das: Improved learning

Ten-year-old Diya Das’s family migrated from Bankipur, West Bengal, to Delhi to earn a livelihood and live in Sarai Alwardi. She was also a timid girl before enrolment in Gyantantra.
She even started communicating with her teachers and classmates in class and actively participates in extracurricular activities. She showed a major improvement in the post-test. Her reading and writing performance in all three subjects improved remarkably.
Sanjay Gorain: Has a knack for drawing

Sanjay’s academic performance has consistently been lower than average. It was observed that he had an average cognitive ability and his reading and writing capacity was lower than what expected at his age, his Mathematical skills were also very poor. After his name was enrolled in Gyantantra programme, he scored 48% in the pre-assessment test.
In the beginning it was tough for him to concentrate and focus on any subject. However, during the Gyantantra classes he developed an interest to learn concepts on the computer. After six months he got satisfactory marks in his final test. Now he can read Hindi and there is also a slight improvement in English and Mathematics. Apart from academics, Sanjay also likes to draw on his copy and paint on the computer.
According to his teachers, Sanjay Gorain is a good-mannered student and participates in all school activities and competitions.
Sudipta Hazra: Learnt Hindi through Gyantantra

Sudipta is a charming, intelligent student who always takes part in school activities like sports, drawing, reading competition and the likes. Since his mother tongue is Bengali and he studies in a Bengali medium school he found it difficult to learn Hindi.
He has always had a knack with technology and machines and after being associated with Gyantantra programme, he would eagerly sit in front of the computer and learn his lessons. When he enrolled himself with the programme in 2019 he did not know much about digital learning or Hindi language. In his pre-test he scored 44% but in Hindi he got 4 out of 30. After being taught via Gyantantra he scored a 90 % in the first unit test exam. However, he scored less in the mid-term due to the long summer vacation, but in the post-test, he covered most of the topics.
Barsha Mahato: A quick learner

Barsha would show little interest in academics and in October 2019 she was enrolled in Gyantantra at Khedadih Center of Literacy India.
With the help of pictorial demonstration, she was trained in subjects that needed more attention. After five months of guidance by teachers of Literacy India, her performance drastically improved and her participation in the classroom also increased. She now has a better understanding of English grammar and can even solve difficult mathematical calculations. As per a teacher at Gyantantra, Champa Goswami, she is a very quick learner and is very obedient, too.